He/Him. Voice actor, writer, gets up to various shenanigans. Dog in "Horned Cook, Gola", Al Sweetman in "Fallen Aces", and many more to come. Contact: john.u.whinfield@gmail.com.


Actor and Writer


Joined on 7/6/23

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Introduction - Hiya Newgrounds!

Posted by JakVox - July 6th, 2023

Hiya there! My name's John Whinfield, and I'm an Aussie voice actor and writer. I mostly dwelled on Twitter, but with the unreliability of that platform as of late, I figured it was time to look at other options when it came to interacting with folks online.

When it comes to stuff I've done in the spheres of writing and voice acting, I've got a few notable credits.

My first big break came when I voiced the role of the stern head chef Dog in Adam Musa Othman's award winning CalArts animated short film, Horned Cook, Gola. This was my first gig for animation, and while it was volunteer, it was immensely validating for me on a personal level. It was my first sign that I could do this as a profession.


I also did some last minute voiceover for Fortress Film's latest film, the viral horror film Emesis Blue! Working with Chad and Anton was genuinely wonderful; the entire crew are already working on their next masterpiece, and you can expect a lot more from me in a voiceover capacity there.


My opportunities have bloomed a lot as of recent though, and while I can't talk about a lot of em, I can say that I will be writing the "Locale with Al" radio show (as well as voicing its homely host, Al Sweetman) in New Blood Interactive's upcoming crime noir FPS, Fallen Aces! Working with Trey on the story side of things has been a dream; I won't spoil what he and Jason have got in store for you lot, but you can expect a very engaging narrative, and to hear me larping on about it over the crackle of a 1930s radio. Wishlist now!


For what's to come, I'm afraid I ain't got much to share that I'm allowed to talk about. What I CAN close with is that I'm a very passionate writer and voice actor when it comes to the indi stuff; seeing creative individuals producing what they want to see more of is inspirational on so many levels, and I love helping em out in any way I can. So, if you need a voice actor or a writer for your game, animation, or anything, gimme a hollar; I'm your man.

My social links are all on my profile. You can find my current demo reel both on Twitter and YouTube. I would reupload it here, but I'm working on a new one, so that one's gonna be a bit irrelevant soon.

Happy to be here on Newgrounds. Expect my mind vomit to show no bounds.

~ John



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